Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Scratched DVD's = GRRRRR.

Shawn and I have become obsessed with Lost, watching at least one episode every night before bed. This series is definitely up there with our favorite, Prison Break. Both are HIGHLY recommended. So we're on the last disc of Season 2, courtesy of Netflix. We popped that bad boy in watched the first episode, no problemo. Last night we were so stoked to watch the next episode, looking forward to it after the dramatic ending to the last one. We were two minutes in when that little bugger decided to skip. I tried wiping it off with a towel, nothing. I tried spraying it with Windex, still nothing. Shawn said "I heard if you put chapstick on the disc it will fill in the scratch." So of course I tried that also. SURPRISE!! It helped....a little. We were able to bypass the first 10 minutes (grrrrr) and move on to the rest of the episode. Tonight we'll run down to Hastings and pick up the same disc to have on hand just in case the Season 2 finale wants to be grumpy and skip on us too. Told you...obsessed :]

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